1st Generation
On these pages, I report on the development and work done on my 1969 Chevrolet Camaro. Here and on the subpages, the focus is specifically on my Camaro. It was named “Cooper” after its last American owner, Cecilia Rena Cooper. The car was registered in California throughout its life.
I’m working on translating the German pages into English. However, this will take some time. Additionally, my English is not perfect, so please let me know if you find any errors.
I only translate pages that I believe will interest American readers and enthusiasts. The German pages are primarily intended for non-American readers. For general Camaro-related content in English, there are better websites available in the USA.

I value knowledge I have acquired myself. Time and again, I notice that many so-called “half-scientists” are active in forums, particularly on Facebook. Questions are often answered with inaccurate expertise, which can create confusion and provide misleading guidance.

I am not an expert or professional,
but I have had to—and want to—familiarize myself with many topics. On these pages, you can find descriptions, downloads, and links that provide essential knowledge for those who are interested.
Most of the content relates to the 1st generation Chevrolet Camaro. Regarding the engine, the information focuses on Chevrolet’s Small Block (SBC) and specifically covers the tuning modifications made to my Camaro’s 307 cubic inch engine (307 cui).
Much of this information is likely transferable to similarly constructed components.

The site serves no commercial purpose.
It is private in nature and is intended to provide helpful information to like-minded vehicle enthusiasts.
The rights to all published information, photos, and documents remain the exclusive property of their respective copyright holders, who are credited or identifiable whenever possible.
Exclusion of liability
I share all information to the best of my knowledge and belief. However, I cannot guarantee that the information is free of errors. It is the responsibility of each individual to decide which information they use and apply.
I assume no liability for any damages that may arise, regardless of their nature!